Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Birth Control Lottery

I just got very exciting news from my OB/GYN's office: My IUD and its insertion procedure are covered 100 percent by my health insurance! I kid you not that I feel like I just won the lottery.

I'm scheduled to have it inserted next Wednesday, which will (fingers crossed) be during my next menses.

I am happy to move on from the Depo-Provera shot. While it's been awesome not taking a pill every day, I think that I've had a few negative side effects from the birth control shot.

First, I have broken out like a seventeen year old boy. I don't have bad skin, generally speaking, but man oh man.

Second, I have felt really ungrounded and emotional. This unstableness could be because of the procedure, because of other things going on in my life, or because of the birth control shot, I don't know. I do know that my OB/GYN explained that many women experience "the blues" when they first get the shot. I think I might be one of them.

Finally, I think I'm also among the women who gain weight on the birth control shot. And that just sucks.

So, IUD here I come... I am so pysched.


  1. Awesome news! Let us know how it goes! I have thought about getting an IUD put it, maybe if I see a positive report from you, I will follow in your foot steps :) Glad to see you post again! Been thinking about you.

  2. Thanks, OmMama. Your last post resonated with me a lot, and I guess I was taking a needed brief break from the blog.

    I've been doing research and know that some side effects could still affect me with Mirena--acne, mood swings, etc. But I'm hoping that it's the right fit for me. Funny how hormonal birth control is such a fight to find what's right! Fingers crossed.


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