Friday, March 11, 2011

Can I get pregnant while on my period?


Yes you can, I am here to tell you because I did get pregnant while on my period... after taking birth control regularly for 5 years.

My former OB/GYNE told me at my first ultrasound that the odds of getting pregnant on birth control, during your period, are 1 in 1000... hence the blog name.

But I visited my new and awesome gynecologist earlier this week, and she gave me some different odds after we pulled out her contraceptive efficacy chart: 2 in 1000.

I tried to visualize what I might look like. I pictured one thousand women standing in some beautiful pastoral field, and there's me and some other girl practically bursting with pregnancy like the two omens we are of "perfect" birth control use.

Since I'm not about to rally that picture into existence, here's an infographic I threw together:


You can't help but feel cheated when you've been "responsible" but still wound up knocked up when you look at that chart.

And it's not like I've always been perfect about birth control. Unlike a few of my friends, I didn't set timers on my phone to take the pill at the exact same time each day. But particularly in the last year or more, given my very active sex life with my boyfriend (we are crazy about each other), I have been diligent. So that image is killer.

I am posting this because I remember asking that question myself years ago and hearing that the chances were so slim, so unlikely. I remember my best girl friend, the only friend I've told about my planned abortion, telling me that it could happen years ago.

So if you're like me and have an awesome boyfriend who still loves sex during that special time of the month, and you've maybe wondered about your chances of getting pregnant are, here I am to tell you.

Just imagine me, one of those hot pink, knocked up ladies up there warning you: Yes, you can get pregnant on your period. So please be careful, take extra precautions, and know that just because your odds are good does not mean that they will work in your favor.

1 comment:

  1. I got pregnant doing my period and it stop...went to the doctor and I was 2weeks


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