Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How I'm writing this blog

I'm am starting this blog almost a week after finding out I am pregnant. I feel like I have a bunch of entries to write to encapsulate the last six days of my life, and I want to try to keep the order right.

One thing I found in a couple of the limited abortion blogs that exist out there is that they're a bit disorganized. I understand why. This experience is draining in every sense. I feel overwhelmed by changing emotions--fear, anger, sadness, happiness, total wonder. Sorting through all those feelings, let alone sharing them, zaps me. I am sleeping okay, except for waking up early each morning having to pee, but I still feel exhausted all the time.

But I feel that it's important to share this experience and that it's important to keep it as organized as possible for anyone who might read it. Since I didn't start writing this blog right away, and I feel like it's ingenuine to backdate the entries since my feelings are constantly changing, I'm going to do my best to fill in the gaps, starting now.

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