Friday, March 25, 2011


This post might be a bit graphic for the squeamish, so stop here if you don't like gross things, particularly blood.

Before leaving work today those pesty cramps came back. I went to the restroom where I urinated and felt some blood pass my body. I glanced down and, horrified, saw what looked like a toilet full of red paint.

I figured this was more of some last passing of blood, but it hasn't stopped. In fact it's only gotten worse. I've talked with an on-call doctor (she sounds great) twice. She actually called while I was typing the above paragraph and we decided I should come in to the emergency room. My parents have offered to drive, but my boyfriend is on his way to pick me up.

Chances are that something was not evacuated, like placenta. She said I will have another ultrasound to try to determine what, if anything, is still in my uterus. I'll take a medication that helps evacuate my uterus, and then possibly have a D&C procedure.

God. Talk about fucking chances. Chances of pregnancy. Chances of complications. I am shaken and scared, but honestly I'm feeling mainly irritated right now.

Alright. I'm going to get my things together to go to the ER. Big sigh.

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